Thursday, April 22, 2010

How Web 2.0's Innovative Technologies can Benefit Your Business

By Thomas Crox

If you've been on the Internet for a while, you know what Web 2.0 is.

This second generation of the Internet has added complexity and usability to many activities that people now perform every day on the web and has greatly increased the scope of what is available. In the early days of the Internet, larger websites controlled the content and filtered it down to smaller ones without a great deal of participation or choice from the users. However, in the last several years, that has changed. Whether you want to network socially and establish relationships or simply let your beliefs be known to the world, that type of power is now in your hands.

Due to this, the method of which services and merchandise are marketed on the Internet has completely revolutionized as well. Web 2.0 oriented sites allow much more potential for Internet marketers when building a brand, getting new leads, or selling a product. It is a more interesting and interactive way of getting the word out about your business. and it is a venue that pops with action and vitality. In this article we'll be looking into various elements that make Web 2.0 marketing what it is.

At its core, Web 2.0 simply refers to the new capabilities we find on the net, such as video streaming, instant messaging, live feeds etc. Everything that allows you to reach your audience in a more effective way than simply emails. Such communication is thanks to the new technology found in Web 2.0. The Internet is now an ever changing entity. Nothing is one way anymore. As a result, marketing is now far more dynamic. With the advent of blogging platforms, social networking and third party Web 2.0 sites, came added opportunities through RSS feeds, personal feedback, etc Such things have seriously altered the way businesses market themselves online.

You no longer need to hope your website is successful - you can get instant feedback from potential customers about your site. This makes it possible for you to discuss what you have included on your site with those who visit. These comments will also help with search engine results. Google, Yahoo, Bing, they all love fresh content and if your site can offer it, then it can lead to high rankings. One of the great things about the feedback that you receive, called UGC or User Generated Content, is that while it can benefit you, it is work that you don't have to do. The way this works is that when someone posts on your site, they may combine words that create keyword combinations that will trigger a search engine to pull up your site, thus generating more traffic.

As well as the feedback that you receive, RSS feeds are an important component in letting people know what is new and keeping them updated on your site activity. Return traffic is very beneficial to your business. Submitting RSS feeds to different directories will help create backlinks. If you want to rank highly with search engines, you need plenty of backlinks.

If you want to master online marketing, then it would behoove you to use Web 2.0 Marketing so that your business or site will continue to have unlimited success. Most Internet entrepreneurs do not take advantage of this valuable tool, so they never fully understand how Web 2.0 can help them achieve success. Regardless of whether or not you've attempted it, you should try to get out of your comfort zone and try a new method of traffic generation. The Internet is always changing and evolving, so you must be ready to embrace those changes and find new ways to use them to market your business. In order for you to stay one step ahead of the competition and do it with ease, you will need to grasp at all the new promotional technologies and experiment with its new techniques.

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Improving Your Online Marketing

Online marketing involves a great deal of effort. It includes SEO, social media, e-mail marketing, pay per click and mobile web. As the new year begins, it is time to rethink our online marketing strategies and retool our online marketing solutions.

Give your online marketing campaigns the lift that it needs by applying new techniques, like social bookmarking, that will bring about better, more positive change. Social media sites should be an integral part of all your online marketing efforts.

For search engine optimization, focus more on maximizing visits and conversions coming in from organic searches. As much as possible, your online marketing should be free of dollar cost. Try to do away with paid advertising. You should also have schemes to bring in new customers. If potential clients aren't clicking through to your web page, then you should make changes to your pitch page. Online marketing should work to attract interested parties, and in getting conversions.

Maximize the success of your online marketing campaigns by examining your metrics reports (Google Analytics is a great tool) to find which contents or pages are attracting visitors and the resulting clickthru rates. To improve your online results, make sure that you evaluate the title tags and meta descriptions of competitive search results. Then, tweak your meta tags and meta descriptions to make them better than the competition. Make absolutely sure that your contents are consistent with your title tags and meta tags. It is vital for your online marketing strategy to have relevant contents. Make sure that you take your customers straight to the solution to their problem. And have a call to action closing paragraph.

Social media has now taken on a great role in online marketing. However, it is more challenging to rationalize in terms of immediate ROI. Through social media, you can improve your online marketing by acquiring better customer relationships, reputation management, raising brand awareness and increasing relevant visitor traffic. However, it takes longer to develop this strategy than some other marketing techniques, so be prepared for slow, consistent growth with social media marketing.

Improving your online marketing is not complex. It requires diligence and consistency. And reasonable expectations.

Author Howard Larrabee...See Howard's website by ClickingHere