Monday, March 29, 2010

What is Social Networking?

We often encounter the term social networking, but not everyone really knows its exact meaning. Every day, we are surrounded by people at work, in school, in church, community, gym, favorite restaurants, and the like in the many places we go. We interact with these people and our relationships grow as we spend more time in close proximity. Modern technology now takes this relationship building to another level, and social networking sites provide the platform for eRelationships, either new or as an extension of our in person relationship.

Social networking refers to the grouping of diverse individuals into specific groups like a community. The community is that of a Facebook, Orkut, Twitter or whatever. It commonly occurs when people build personal relationships, spend time or participate in common activities with other individuals. Social networking also happens even without physical interaction. For example, friendships and various relationships may start on the internet, and may never progress to anything other than that.

Social networking online is facilitated by social networking websites. Members of these websites are different people who have the same desires and interests. For instance, a specific website provides services and facilitates communication between people who have the same hobbies. Through the website, members become friends, they learn and share techniques, and they are included in workshops and seminars, and provided with a complete list of supposedly reliable suppliers.

To be a member of a social networking website, you must first register. This is done by completing a registration form. You may need to divulge personal information if it is required by the social networking website. As soon as you are given access, you can create a profile and begin socializing. You can view profiles of other members, send them messages or join a live chartroom. Through time, your network of friends will expand as your friends will introduce you to other community members they know. Social networking has no limits and boundaries. Even if you are in a different country, you can have friends who live miles away from you. This also provides a great platform for maintaining up to date information on your family members who live distances from you. In these venues, you will be exposed to different cultures and beliefs. On the same thought, other members will appreciate your individuality and the many things you could also share and offer.

Social networking websites may either be traditional or exclusive. The former have open memberships. This means all people can join. The more exclusive types have certain criteria with regards to its membership approval.

If online socializing appeals to your interest and lifestyle, you can check out the following websites: MySpace, FriendFinder, Friendwise, Yahoo! 360, Orkut, Facebook, and Classmates. These are very popular among internet users because they already have an established community of members. When you view these or other websites, you should also evaluate the quality of service they provide. And similar to forming social networks in your immediate physical environment, doing it online requires responsibility and due diligence. Be aware of the dangers of online predators. Be a cynic first, and then gradually increase your trust levels with people. A few bad apples make all the news, but don’t mistake, there are some scammers and thieves online. The longer you are out there, the better you will get in seeing who these people really are before you get entrapped in any way.

Author Howard Larrabee...See Howard's website by ClickingHere


byodbuzz03 said...

The importance of social networking sites in today's world is immense. Indeed, the above mentioned websites are best, however there is also a latest Social Networking site MyworldGo , where you can connect with others. We are also available on iOS and android.

Unknown said...

The importance of social networking sites in today's world is immense. Indeed, the above mentioned websites are best, however there is also a latest Social Networking site MyworldGo , where you can connect with others. We are also available on iOS and android.