Thursday, May 6, 2010

Can I Manage My Own SEO?

By Julie Johnson

Lets face it; many people who are just starting out their new business are looking to save money. There are many ways to go about this; however cutting back on your SEO services and trying to do your own online marketing may cost you more money than you are saving.

Marketing is a whole new game when it's online. You are not working to catch the public eye, it's a much trickier audience that you have to get to. Search engine spiders rate your website layout and look at the keywords utilized too. Search engines are not stagnant. They are an ever shifting component of a constantly updating online world. To be able to keep up with whats going on takes a load of work.

So, could anyone do their own SEO management? Like any other skilled labor, you must possess the know how. To get the skills you have to put in time and effort with research to figure out how things have shifted. You must figure out the keywords that work best too. This presents time constraints when you are already in the throes of building up the rest of the business.

So lets say you just decide that you don't have the time to do the SEO work yourself, and that you don't have the money to lay out toward hiring a professional SEO to take care of it for you. Well, then you will probably not be able to build a successful business on the internet. Honestly, the internet has gotten too large, with way too much information on it, and getting your business noticed could take years. Can you afford to wait that long? Probably not.

The bottom line is that no matter where you make cut backs in your business, do not sacrifice your marketing. SEO is a requirement for the success of any online business, and foregoing this could mean losing your business altogether and that is a dangerous position to be in.

About the Author:

Author Howard Larrabee...See Howard's website on blogging as a tool to market your sites Click Here